If I am a Master Resilience Trainer (MRT), should I apply for the RBLP® exam prep and certification exam?

The RBLP® certifications are an excellent complement to your MRT training.
  • Yes, for those that are MRT qualified, or intend to become MRT qualified, the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional™ (RBLP™) series of leadership certifications are an excellent complement to your MRT training.
  • The Master Resilience Training Course focuses on the critical characteristics of individual resilience.

  • The RBLP® leadership certifications focus on the leader skills required to build collective resilience.
    • Individual Resilience (MRT) + Collective Resilience (RBLP)
  • The costs are separate. The certification exam is with RBLP, and the exam prep training is with the ATP. RBLP and the ATP will provide separate invoices.

For further information check out the RBLP website links: Army CA AF COOL