Can I use GI Bill® benefits to pay for my certifications?

Veterans can use their VA GI Bill® benefits to fund their certification exams.

GI Bill® Veterans Education Benefits

Eligible active-duty military and veterans can also use GI Bill®

benefits to pay for the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional (RBLP®) series of certification exams.

Active-duty military and veterans using GI Bill®

benefits must submit exam receipts to the Department of Veterans Affairs for reimbursement (up to $2000 currently). Visit our FAQ page and the VA website for more information.

Find us on the DVA WEAMS site. Search "resilience" and select "certification".


You can download the VA Form 22-0803 with our information prefilled in:

VA Form 22-0803 RBLP-T

VA Form 22-0803 RBLP-C

VA Form 22-0803 RBLP